E Tenebris Lux! 
The official march of the Canadian Forces Intelligence Branch is "E tenebris lux" taken from the Latin for the branch motto meaning: "Out of the Darkness, Light"  

The March is set to the music of Mozart’s Eine kleine Nachtmusik.  

The Intelligence Branch (French: Branche du service du renseignement) is a personnel branch of the Canadian Forces (CF) that is concerned with providing relevant and correct information to enable commanders to make decisions. 

When the current intelligence branch was formed on 1 October 1982 the branch had a new badge. The colours scarlet, dark green and white denote the evolution of the Intelligence Branch from the Canadian Corps of Guides, the Canadian Intelligence Corps, and the Canadian Forces Security Branch, respectively. The North Star symbol embodied in the Canadian Intelligence Corps badge is also found in the branch badge, further preserving historic ties. The compass rose shape of the badge draws notice to the worldwide scope of branch responsibilities. 
Original Lyrics

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Canadian Version

Lyrics awaiting research and construction
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